This new times of uncertainty are also times of change and sharing. Finding new forms of connection, proximity and creative exchange seems to be the current challenge. The invitation is open for this artistic quarantine - Stay home and dance!
The CONTEMPORARY DANCE 55plus project (-55 years welcome!), which has been held since 2001 with weekly classes in Lisbon and since 2019 with monthly laboratories in Paris & Lisbon, launches challenge for everyone - regular students and new participants, to get together and continue to dance now in this new online class!
The new online classes started on March 24th and always take place on Tuesdays at 5pm (GMT+0 - Portugal time zone / 6pm - France time zone), with a duration of 60 minutes.
To participate you should send an email to bodybuilders.rafaelalvarez@gmail.com
Then you will receive a link and password by email so you can join live every week, and install the ZOOM application on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
We ask all participants wishing to access the online classes a contribution starting from €5,00 per class helping to the sustainability of this project during the suspension period of the on-site classes and labs .in Lisbon and Paris.
Recipients Participants over 55 (also open to participants under the age of 55) with or without previous experience in contemporary dance, motivated in the development of their creative and performative potential through the movement and creation in contemporary dance, valuing their life experience .
These classes are open and accessible to anyone regardless of their physical condition or mobility, and can be held standing or sitting in a chair.
Dance with us!
In these classes and labs, participants are challenged by the Portuguese choreographer Rafael Alvarez, to dive into the context of contemporary dance, researching mouvement and discovering creativity through the body, starting from an encounter of movement and dance with other sources, such as music and images . Exploring the languages and techniques of contemporary dance, through a creative space open to dialogue, sharing and meeting with the other. Exploring emotions, sensations, ideas, memories, sounds and imagery that can be transformed into dances and movement stories.
Promoting active aging, combating inertia and preventing decreased mobility, by stimulating physical, intellectual and creative autonomy, regardless of the conditions of physical functionality and mobility. An invitation to explore creativity, combined with the pleasure of dancing, valuing the body of the experience.
IBAN: PT50.0033.0000.45496088772.05
(Bank: Millennium BCP, Portugal)
or PayPal: paypal.me/bodybuildersralvarez

Dance Research & Creation Lab
with Rafael Alvarez / BODYBUILDERS (Portugal)
20 & 21st April 2018_BRUSSELS
Friday from 7pm to 9.30pm
Saturday from 2pm to 7.30pm
Dans Lab
Jeugdcentrum Aximax
J.W. Wilsonstraat 19
1000 Brussels
Fee > 60€
Inscriptions > danslab.be@gmail.com
This workshop is open to participants of all ages, all levels and backgrounds - amateurs and professionals, wishing to develop a creative spirit of research in contemporary dance.
Dress up the dance - costume as second skin.
Reversed strip-tease dance series.
The body as a scenic installation, a choreographic landscape and a moving sculpture. Body and costume on the border between the periphery and the center of the action. Protagonism of the body by its absence and dissimulation. Strategies of camouflage of the body to reveal the detail and the intensity of each gesture realized in canvas. Choreographic and cinematographic view on the ritual of undressing - dressing the body. Hide to reveal.
In this two-day workshop, the participants will be invited by portuguese choreograher/dancer/teacher Rafael Alvarez, who proposes a work oriented towards the research and creation of identities in movement and the sketching of characters through the exploration of different process of revelation and confinement of the body from the exploration of different costumes and fabrics as a starting point for a choreographic, visual and dramaturgical research.
The two days of work will begin with the orientation of a collective warm-up, development of movement exercises, improvisations and choreographic strategies - an invitation to immerse yourself in the world of contemporary dance and in the world of the creator Rafael Alvarez, to explore opportunities to develop a personal vocabulary and enrich improvistation and composition tools.
*Each participant must bring one or more clothing or costumes or even pieces of fabric that may be visually interesting and have a scenic/performative potential.
*SECOND SKIN | Contemporary Dance Lab Workshop was previously organized in Paris (Studio Bleu,
Dec 2017) and in Lisbon (FOR Dance Theatre / Companhia Olga Roriz, Dec-Jan 2018)

A joint European Dance & Performance Project with 55plus movers
May 4 & 5 > Lisboa
This workshop in Lisboa is led by choreographers Rafael Alvarez (Lisboa) and Gabriele Gierz (Hamburg) in cooperation with visual artist Helga Kellerer (Stuttgart). It offers 55plus dancers based in Portugal and Germany the opportunity to meet, explore and research movement in a creative dance environment.
European artists from different backgrounds (contemporary dance, performance, visual arts) come together to share creative processes and exchange working methods featuring dancers with life experience.
The workshop is a starting point for a series of training and presentation activities developed and organized in Europe between 2018 and 2020.
Open access for everybody.
Friday, May 4th 17.30 - 19.30
Saturday, May 5th 15:00 - 18:00
Costs > 20,- €
Address > Palácio Pancas Palha [Companhia Olga Roriz]
(Rua de Santa Apolónia, 12 – 14 / Tv. Recolhimento Lázaro Leitão 1, Lisboa)
Registration > bodybuilders321@gmail.com

S-O-B :: Solos, Objects & Biographies
Research and Creation Dance Labs
with Rafael Alvarez / BODYBUILDERS
Lab I #Paris //
20 May _ 19:00-22:00 (studio May) > Micadanses // Paris (Marais)
21 May _ 19:00-22:00 (studio Noces) > Micadanses // Paris (Marais)
Lab II #Paris //
9 de June_17:00-21:00 (studio So Schnell) > Micadanses, Paris (Marais)
10 June_10:00-13:00 (studio May B) > Micadanses, Paris (Marais)
Lab III #Lisboa //
14 July_17:00-21:00 > Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista, Lisboa
15 July_14:00-20:00 > Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista, Lisboa
Final Lab + Public Presentation #Lisboa //
21 July_17:00-21:00 > Travessa Recolhimento Lázaro Leitão, Nº 1, 1º, Lisboa
22 July_14:00-20:00 (19:00 Apresentação) > Travessa Recolhimento Lázaro Leitão, Nº 1, 1º, Lisboa
S-O-B :: Solos, Objects & Biographies Labs, directed by Rafael Alvarez / BODYBUILDERS, is a cycle of tree weekend Research and Creation Dance Labs (Paris and Lisbon) focused entirely on exploring/creating/sharing various approaches on the relation between objects, body and biography/identity material. During the 3 autonomous labs, the participants will receive focused movement and composition guidance from the portuguese choreographer Rafael Alvarez to develop and deepen their own personal solo dance material departing from a monochromatic personal collection of previously chosen objects. The final lab will allow the participants to share their experiments in an open lab exploring a site specific approach to their solo installation projects.
Each lab is organized from a monochromatic logic. Each participant must gather in advance a personal collection of 5 objects (minimum) of a single colour (free choice), from which will develop the project of research, experimentation and choreographic creation.
The work of each lab is autonomous (it is not a condition to participate in the entire labs cycle). However participants participating in more than 1 lab can continue the work in development. Participation in the final lab + presentation (Lisbon) implies participation in 1 or more of the previous labs.
These labs are open to all - professional and non-professional dancers/performers of all levels, people of all abilities with a motivation and interest in exchange, research and creation process and willing to develop / deepen their work in the field contemporary dance and performance. Students and professionals in the areas of Dance, Theater, Performance and Visual Arts;
There is no deadline however the maximum number of participants for each lab is 20.
How to apply: Send an e-mail with your name and contact, indicating which labs you wish to participate and a small paragraph outlining your movement experience/background and/or interest in following this labs to: bodybuilders321@gmail.com
Lab I #Paris > 70€; 60€/Micadanses associate; 50€/student or unemployed;
Lab II #Paris > 70€; 60€/Micadanses associate; 50€/student or unemployed;
Lab III #Lisbon > 35€; 25€/students;
Lab I + II #Paris > 120€; 100€/Micadanses associate ; 80€/student or unemployed;
Lab I or II #Paris + Final Lab/Public Presentation #Lisbon > 95€; 85€/Micadanses associate ; 75€/student or unemployed;
Lab I + II #Paris + Final Lab/Public Presentation #Lisbon > 145€; 125€/Micadanses associate; 105€/student or unemployed;
Lab III #Lisbon + Final Lab/Public Presentation #Lisboa > 60€; 50€/students;
Early bird discount (deposit received before 10th April) > 10€ discount on any lab
For more information please go to www.bodybuilders.pt
or https://micadanses.com/cours/labo-de-recherche-et-creation-choregraphique/
*visit the PDF link for information in French
with Rafael Alvarez
11 March_14:30 > Centro Artes e Espectáculos // SEVER DO VOUGA
17:00_Documentary film screening "A Menina Dança" by Vitor Hugo Costa/METAFILMES
Production_EIRA / Arte em Rede
info // brigidaalves@cm-sever.pt
17 March_14:00 > Biblioteca de Marvila // LISBOA
17:00_Documentary film screening "A Menina Dança" by Vitor Hugo Costa/METAFILMES
Production_EIRA / Arte em Rede
info // producao@eira.pt
19 May_17:00-19:00 > Studio Noces, Micadanses (Le Marais) // PARIS
info // bodybuilders321@gmail.com
(PDF info en français > visit the link)
10 June_17:00-19:00 > Le Carreau du Temple (Le Marais) // PARIS
info // bodybuilders321@gmail.com
(PDF info en français > visit the link)
(Dance for Parkinson with David Levanthal (USA) // Lisboa
1-3 April 2017 > Centro Cultural de Belém
Mark Morris Dance Group and Dançar com Parkinson in partnership with Centro Cultural de Belém, present > Dance for PD® Introductory Workshop
Saturday, 1 April - Sunday, 2 April Centro Cultural de Belém / Estúdio SEGA Lisbon, Portugal
with an optional Continuing Professional Development workshop on Monday, 3 April
Applications > https://madmimi.com/s/c50a49 or Dance for PD® > http://danceforparkinsons.org/